JUNE 3, 2024
It is very strange to be 14 hours ahead of your home. I’m more than a half a day ahead.
Please pray in your own way, however you do it for me June 3rd in the US, particularly during business hours in the mountain time zone.
We learned how to make a Balinese offering at our dinner last night. Today in Ubud I picked up incense and lit it about 20 minutes ago. The burning of the incense carries the essence of the offering to the gods. You see these offerings at the entrance to every house and business in Bali. It is has become a very special observation during my time in Bali and I long to find a way to continue some version of it daily. In the last several months a daily mindfulness practice has been in the forefront of my mind. I have been working on gathering my altar items that are both ancestral in nature and meaningful trinkets of loved ones or for loved ones. I wish to incorporate an offering into this practice. It has been a treasure to witness it here and take it in.